Tuesday, January 3, 2012

a day out in the sun shine!

hello my fellow friend and their Blythe's,
Yesterday my mum and I went to the op shop. We found a set of sheets. There were 2 pillow cases and 2 sheets - one with stripes and the other with dots. I made some little pillows out of them for my two very special Blythe's!!

Then we went to the reject shop and got a hula hoop. When we got home, my Mum started sewing while I was trying to find the joint of the hula hoop.
It took a long time to find it but then i found it!! Then Mum finished putting it together.
now I will tell you what we made............its a little tent!!!!!!

I love it and I hope you do too!
Tomorrow if the weather is nice, I will make a movie on the tent and put it up some time soon!!!